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Sunday, October 17, 2010

Read it now! "From 'Radical Extremism' to 'Balanced Copyright': Canadian Copyright and the Digital Agenda"

In what has to be some kind of land-speed record, From 'Radical Extremism' to 'Balanced Copyright': Canadian Copyright and the Digital Agenda is now available in a print edition ($65) and online (free, under a Creative Commons license). Did I mention that the entire thing came together in just over four months? And that all the chapters were refereed?

My contribution, "North American Digital Copyright, Regional Governance, and the Potential for Variation," is also available for download. It's all very exciting: there's nothing like having your first refereed contribution come out just as you're finishing the entire dissertation.

I haven't had a chance to read the other chapters yet, but if they come anywhere close to approaching the quality of the presentations made by several contributors at the book launch last Thursday, the whole book is going to be a vital contribution to the immediate political debate over Bill C-32 and the long-run academic debate over Canadian copyright.


Monday, October 11, 2010

Book launch! From "Radical Extremism" to "Balanced Copyright": Canadian Copyright and the Digital Agenda

I've been quiet on the blog lately, distracted by paying work (not related to copyright), finishing up the dissertation and applying for postdocs and the like, but I couldn't let this pass without notice. Michael Geist has put together a ridiculously well-timed edited collection of essays on Canadian digital copyright, From "Radical Extremism" to "Balanced Copyright": Canadian Copyright and the Digital Agenda, and yours truly has a chapter in it.

In it, I examine the potential for Canada, Mexico and the United States to implement autonomous copyright policies (specifically those related to the WIPO Internet treaties and the legal protection of technological protection measures). In a nutshell, I conclude that these countries' decisions around whether and how to implement are shaped mainly by domestic political, economic and institutional imperatives (e.g., which groups are invited to the negotiating table). In other words, even decisions to implement U.S.-style copyright laws in Canada or Mexico are rooted in domestic considerations.

My alternate pitch, to family and friends: It's basically my dissertation boiled down to 20 pages. So if you want to know how I've spent the past five-plus years but don't want to slog through the 300 closely argued pages of my dissertation, check it out!

This chapter is particularly exciting for me, as it represents my first substantial contribution to the academic literature. I've seen my name in print many times over the past 15 years, but seeing it in a book, surrounded by contributions from so many fantastically smart people, will be a highlight.

Even better: there's going to be a book launch, this Thursday afternoon (October 14) at 3:30 p.m. at the University of Ottawa (Room 12102, Desmarais Building, 55 Laurier Avenue East). I'll be on a panel, along with Michael Geist, Elizabeth Judge, Ian Kerr, David Lametti and Teresa Scassa, discussing our chapters. And there'll be a reception afterward! Feel free to stop by and say hi.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Read it now! "From 'Radical Extremism' to 'Balanced Copyright': Canadian Copyright and the Digital Agenda"

In what has to be some kind of land-speed record, From 'Radical Extremism' to 'Balanced Copyright': Canadian Copyright and the Digital Agenda is now available in a print edition ($65) and online (free, under a Creative Commons license). Did I mention that the entire thing came together in just over four months? And that all the chapters were refereed?

My contribution, "North American Digital Copyright, Regional Governance, and the Potential for Variation," is also available for download. It's all very exciting: there's nothing like having your first refereed contribution come out just as you're finishing the entire dissertation.

I haven't had a chance to read the other chapters yet, but if they come anywhere close to approaching the quality of the presentations made by several contributors at the book launch last Thursday, the whole book is going to be a vital contribution to the immediate political debate over Bill C-32 and the long-run academic debate over Canadian copyright.


Monday, October 11, 2010

Book launch! From "Radical Extremism" to "Balanced Copyright": Canadian Copyright and the Digital Agenda

I've been quiet on the blog lately, distracted by paying work (not related to copyright), finishing up the dissertation and applying for postdocs and the like, but I couldn't let this pass without notice. Michael Geist has put together a ridiculously well-timed edited collection of essays on Canadian digital copyright, From "Radical Extremism" to "Balanced Copyright": Canadian Copyright and the Digital Agenda, and yours truly has a chapter in it.

In it, I examine the potential for Canada, Mexico and the United States to implement autonomous copyright policies (specifically those related to the WIPO Internet treaties and the legal protection of technological protection measures). In a nutshell, I conclude that these countries' decisions around whether and how to implement are shaped mainly by domestic political, economic and institutional imperatives (e.g., which groups are invited to the negotiating table). In other words, even decisions to implement U.S.-style copyright laws in Canada or Mexico are rooted in domestic considerations.

My alternate pitch, to family and friends: It's basically my dissertation boiled down to 20 pages. So if you want to know how I've spent the past five-plus years but don't want to slog through the 300 closely argued pages of my dissertation, check it out!

This chapter is particularly exciting for me, as it represents my first substantial contribution to the academic literature. I've seen my name in print many times over the past 15 years, but seeing it in a book, surrounded by contributions from so many fantastically smart people, will be a highlight.

Even better: there's going to be a book launch, this Thursday afternoon (October 14) at 3:30 p.m. at the University of Ottawa (Room 12102, Desmarais Building, 55 Laurier Avenue East). I'll be on a panel, along with Michael Geist, Elizabeth Judge, Ian Kerr, David Lametti and Teresa Scassa, discussing our chapters. And there'll be a reception afterward! Feel free to stop by and say hi.